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Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

nature is healing
Office Policy and Privacy


New clients are required to have an initial intake appointment to gather information on the presenting issue and history.  These appointments are approximately 75 minutes in duration. Subsequent sessions are approximately 50 minutes.  





INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS : $250/ 50 minute session

INITIAL INTAKE $300 flat fee / 75 minutes approximately

Sliding scale - yes but space is limited and may be full (I reserve 4 sliding scale reduced fee spaces at any given time)


Payment method

Cash, checks,  and credit cards (mastercard, visa, discovery, Amex is for full fee only) are all accepted for payment, and are due at the time of service. Upon the client's request, a credit card form can be put on file and charged after each appointment. 



I am out of network. Clients pay me directly but I can, upon request, submit monthly statements (superbill with diagnostic codes and my tax ID) to the client which, in turn, may be submitted for insurance reimbursement by the client. Depending on the type of insurance policy the client has, portions of the fee for therapy may be (and often are) covered by the policy and the client may be reimbursed through their insurance provider.  Ask your provider if you have mental health insurance benefits, what the deductible is and if it was met, how many sessions per year the health insurance covers, the coverage amount per session and if approval is required from the primary care physician.

You, as the client, are responsible to submit payment on the date of service.


APPROXIMATE COST OF THERAPY PER MONTH - $1,000 which is one session a week (not taking into consideration possible reimbursement to client from their insurance company) 




If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, it must be cancelled 24 hours in advance or you will be required to pay the full cost of the session. A virtual or phone session can always be implemented if the client is sick or otherwise cannot attend in person.  



A client's privacy and all information discussed in therapy are protected by both laws and ethics, and information cannot be disclosed without written permission. Written permission is, therefore, required before I can work with outside professionals or anyone who needs to be included in the network of support outside of therapy. 

There are, however, a few exceptions;

1. I am legally bound to report all suspected child abuse, elder or dependent abuse to the proper authorities.

2. I am legally bound to report if a client has intent to commit serious bodily harm to another. 

3. I am ethically bound to protect everyone in my care. Therefore, if a client intends to harm himself or herself, I will make every effort to prevent that from happening. In situations like this, I am protected by law to enlist the help of others, family as well as other mental health professionals, with or without consent, in the attempt to ensure their safety. A Client Consent Form will have this information and will need to be signed. 


​Ilona Strasser, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

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